PRP for HAIR In Sudbury, MA


PRP for HAIR in Sudbury, MA

PRP offers you a 100 % natural treatment for fuller and healthier hair. Replenish hair loss and thinning hair with the help of rich growth factors from your own plasma.

​Stimulates new hair growth

Increases shair thickness, increases hair count

Decreases hair loss​

Prevents additional hair loss

What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma is blood plasma that is derived from your own blood and has high concentration of platelets. PRP contains growth factors that naturally stimulate cell regeneration, improve skin texture and stimulate hair follicles. When PRP is injected into the scalp, growth factors contained in PRP stimulate inactive hair follicles into growth phase. This results in improved hair growth, reduction of hair loss, and thicker and healthier hair.

PRP Hair Procedure

PRP procedure begins with drawing blood from your arm, then centrifuging it to separate plasma and platelets from blood cells. After centrifugation, the concentrated PRP (Liquid Gold) contains about 5 times more platelets than the normal circulating blood. Concentrated PRP is then collected in the syringes and injected into the scalp.

Procedure takes about 45 min to one hour. there is no downtime or long recovery process after PRP hair treatment. Patients may take a shower the day of the treatment, and can return to your normal activities. ​For optimal results, 3-4 monthly treatment cycles are recommended.

PRP for Hair aims to treat

PRP therapy is for people who are in good health and do not have any serious skin conditions. ​ PRP can be used for patients to treat both men and women, at any age.

  • Androgenic alopecia (or pattern alopecia)
  • Alopecia Areata (bald patches on the head or beard)
  • Recent hair loss
  • Female pattern hair loss at all stages​
  • Male pattern hair loss, especially in the early stages of balding
  • Thinning or balding hair, but not completely bald
  • Stress induced hair loss
  • Chemotherapy-induced hair loss

PRP Benefits for Hair

At Spivak Medical Aesthetics we make all treatments comfortable

For patient’s comfort we provide prescription-strength topical numbing cream, and if more numbing is needed, injections of lidocaine with a small needle can also be used.​ We will customize your treatment depending on your level of sensitivity & treatment goals.


Pre-Treatment Instructions:

Shampoo your hair before the procedure. This way, it provides a clean environment on your scalp before the injections.

Drink plenty of fluids and water the day before and the day of your procedure. If you are dehydrated, it is much harder to draw your blood and you will not have as much plasma.

Please stop any herbal supplements 7 days prior (including St Johns Wort, Garlic, Vitamin E, Ginko, etc).

Biotin based supplements DO NOT need to be discontinued.

-Don’t use any hair products like hairspray or gel the day of your PRP injections.

-Don’t smoke or drink heavily beforehand, if at all. This could lower your platelet count.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

-Cold gel packs/ice may be gently applied immediately after treatment to reduce swelling.

-Avoid NSAIDs (blood thinners such as ibuprofen, Aleve, naproxen, aspirin) the day of your procedure.

-Tylenol is recommended if needed for discomfort.

-It is fine to wash your hair on your normal schedule.

-You can resume your normal activities. PRP injections should not incapacitate or inconvenience you in any way.

-Unlike other procedures, you shouldn’t experience drowsiness or fatigue.

-Avoid alcohol consumption for a minimum of 6 hours after the procedure

-Avoid touching or scrubbing at the injection sites for 12 hours after treatment.

-Don’t color your hair or get a perm for at least 72 hours after the PRP injections. The harsh chemicals will irritate the site of the injections and possibly cause complications. It also exacerbates scalp pain.

​What to expect after treatment

Soreness and discomfort at the injection sites are normal and expected. Treated areas may be tender to touch for up to 72 hours. You may notice some bruising in the areas where there were injections, this is normal and will resolve in about one week.

Overall, PRP is very safe because it is derived from your own blood. Therefore, there is no chance of having an allergic or immunologic reaction. Side effects of PRP therapy are extremely rare. The main risk is associated with injections. Injections carries a risk of side effects such as: mild pain at the injections site, scalp tenderness, swelling, headache, itching and dry scalp.

In most cases, there is no downtime or long recovery process after PRP hair treatment. Patients may take a shower the day of the treatment. It is recommended to avoid using harsh dyes or chemicals on the hair for 48 hours.

This will depend on the individual’s response. The treatment plan consists of initial 3-4 sessions spaced one month apart, followed by a maintenance therapy, one session 2-3 times per year.

Studies have shown that 4 sessions is the optimal number.

The number of treatments required for maintenance therapy varies based on individual results. Typically, most patients require a series of treatments to achieve optimal results.

The efficacy of the PRP treatment depends on your commitment. Consistency is crucial for obtaining satisfactory results from PRP hair restoration. There are typically 3 treatments, scheduled one month apart. Patients usually notice improvement within two to three treatments. Patience is key, it may take several sessions and see improvement. Results may depend on the length of time since hair was lost.

While PRP is considered safe for most people and all skin types. However it’s not recommended for those who has one of the following medical conditions:

  • Have any type of blood or skin cancer, cancer, existing or uncured.

  • Have a medical condition that could worsen or spread with injections, such as an active infection, a metastatic disease.

  • Have a certain blood and bleeding disorders.

  • Are undergoing anticoagulation therapy (blood thinner) and cannot temporarily stop the blood thinners due to medical issue.

  • Are anaemic.

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Also If you are under the age of 18 years old.

The procedure usually takes 45 min to one hour. Injection treatment begins with a blood draw that takes a few minutes. The second step is centrifugation takes about 7 to 10 minutes, during which topical numbing medication and/or ice placed on the scalp. After centrifugation PRP is drown into syringes and ready to be injected. The injections are positioned every 2 to 3 cm apart.

It usually takes less than an hour from start to finish.

Before & After Photo's

Real results after PRP Hair Treatment. Both patients had 3 initial treatments one months apart. Photos were taken after three months and after six months.

The images are courtsey by Dr. Irina Spivak

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